Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Work and sketching when I can

I haven't had a lot of time to finish the page I've been working on, so I've had to resort in sketching. This is a cross between Alex and Emilia, because I wasn't sure who I was drawing.

School is getting closer to starting for me. I'll be repeating Calc 1, because I don't want to bother trying to remember what I learned five years ago. And I'll be taking Java 2. Just those two classes this semester. I don't want to kill myself trying to work full time, draw and go to classes. Due to my odd work schedule I have to go to class five days a week. In a way that is good. It forces me to keep doing school everyday, on the other hand I won't have a break for four months other than the weekends.

Back to work I go.

Thanks for reading.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Space and Time

So I got some new pens. Pilot Pigment Ink pen and a Pentel Arts Pocket Brush pen. Did this sketch to test those bad boys out and I like them. The company I bought them from was JetPens. It was really easy to buy and isn't a small company at all.

I've already finished two pages for the next chapter of Space and Time. I may post some preview pages in a week or so.
