Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fwd: Testing the new email feature at blogspot

This week has been totally busy. I have been finishing up Space and Time for Outbound 1 with my wife. She's been helping with inks and tones, because I'm a slacker and can't get stuff out on time. Actually I've been sick for a week, so it's been rough getting this story out, but I'm really happy with how it came out. All that's needed to finish is a few touch-ups, tones and lettering.

I'm taking a little break from comics to get my CompTIA A+ certification for my day job. Something they want us to have now. Not sure why, but it's most likely just one of those management things that they're pushing now.

Next issue of Outbound will be out a month or so after this issue, so I'll have plenty of time to work on that story.




Michael Kasaboski said...

Hey man, looks like you managed to get the e-mail feature working well. Have you tried the mobile feature? I've tried to get it up and running twice now with my Blackberry Bold but no luck.

Josh said...

I was getting too much spam from my phone's text feature, so I disabled it. I don't need to update that often, so I'm good with just the email ability. Nice feature too.