Monday, April 27, 2009


Outbound is the new comic that's featuring several awesome artists, writers and stories. I'm really excited for this book, because it's not only featuring Sci-FI only stories, but a lot of my friends are in the book. To name a few, David Newbold, Mike Paoloni, Jason Baroody, Brett Barkley, Chris Ring, Alexandra (my wife) Mills and many others.

If you want to order a copy you can email me.

Outbound is featuring my story Space and Time and the cover you see above is a chapter cover. Not the cover of the comic. They got a really great painter Marcelo Buchelli to do up a cover for the book. I cannot wait to see it. I'm told the comic has just been sent off to the printers today.



Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fwd: Testing the new email feature at blogspot

This week has been totally busy. I have been finishing up Space and Time for Outbound 1 with my wife. She's been helping with inks and tones, because I'm a slacker and can't get stuff out on time. Actually I've been sick for a week, so it's been rough getting this story out, but I'm really happy with how it came out. All that's needed to finish is a few touch-ups, tones and lettering.

I'm taking a little break from comics to get my CompTIA A+ certification for my day job. Something they want us to have now. Not sure why, but it's most likely just one of those management things that they're pushing now.

Next issue of Outbound will be out a month or so after this issue, so I'll have plenty of time to work on that story.



Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One con down!

Space and Time logo is copyright Josh Mills.

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I had a really great time at the con. Aaron Kuder, Doug Hills, Steve Willhite, Pami, Khoi Pham, Phil and many others made the show a fantastic one. I'm hoping I can make ECCC again. I wish I had had a chance to stop by some of the booths where other creators were, but I was pretty stuck at the booth or helping Ronin Studios with there banners.

Here is a link to some pics my wife took at the show: Facebook ECCC photots.

I hope the next con will be SDCC this year, but I'll post about that in May when I know for sure I'm going.

I'm still hard at work on Space and Time and I've posted some rough pencils for a preview.
