Monday, October 27, 2008

Thoughts on Holmes

I'm reading the Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume I and thus far it's understandable why it was such an instant hit, and subsequently one of the most endearing characters throughout history. Holmes has this unique and appealing arrogance. I never really noticed it, but I think in a way the hero is meant to be you, the reader, and therefore the arrogance is ones own arrogance. In any event, the stories are short and subtly working towards a greater story that seems to be developing throughout the volume, but I've only just began to read it, so I am only speculating.

I think what makes these short stories so appealing to me, a comic artist, is that each short story could easily be a comic book. I think if I were to illustrate the stories I'd want to make them more relevant to today's technological advantages and knowledge of sciences. I could easily see these stories in a future type setting as well. I think it might bring a dynamic feeling to the stories if it was set in a Gotham City type surrounding. Obviously, this is where Batman came from, but with the Shadow added to the mix.

If I were to create a new superhero based on Holmes I'd want him to have few and almost weak powers, but an arrogance that was almost recluse. Maybe make situations more dynamic, with shooting, fighting and lots of action, but still making the deduction his greatest attribute.

I've only read up to page 99, the third chapter one, I think. Each short story has it's own chapters, so page number is really the only way to know where I am in the book. I do think these stories, so far, were ill prepared, as I'm sure he didn't know how popular they would become. It seemed, in the first story, as he approached the ending he decided to tell the story of the perpetrator, to fulfill a sense of satisfaction for the murders that had taken place and Holmes own importance in the story became lessened in a way. I think the story was well done, but could have been organized better to create more mystery on top of the mystery, but then again I'm not that a writer, so these are just my thoughts so far.

I'll be continuing the story of my 24 hour comics challenge as a web comic that I'll publish every Monday, hopefully. I've posted some of the characters in color here and I'll keep you all posted with my progress as it develops.

As far as other projects, I have things in the works and I'm in talks with a few companies and as soon as I have something concrete to report and will.


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