Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Selling my art

I just started selling my art on line. You can see the link to your right, Buy Original art. Here is one of the pieces from there. I don't think I've ever posted this up here before, so it's old, but new to you.

I've just finished my first web comic. I finished eight pages, fully colored and lettered by me. I have been working on it for so long, I can't even remember. I have some minor things to correct and I'll be shopping it around to Zuda, Shadowline, Image Central, etc.

I'm also working on the other comic with Mike called "Super Hair". It's about super-heroes and how ridicules it can be when you put the paparazzi in the mix. It's funny and my art hasn't looked better, not to be vain or something. I'm just saying the style is a little goofy, but seems to work better than some of the other stuff I've done.

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