Saturday, September 6, 2008


I try to post something meaningful when I post, but it seems nothing I have to say is going to make much sense anyway, so I might as well just ramble on and hope somewhere in the end there will be a meaning to what I've said.

I just finished the first page of the story I'm doing for Ronin Studios, but I had already finished page four weeks ago and I finished penciling all nine pages a week ago. I sent my pages to Diana (editor) and she had suggested I get a letter that is really good at...something. I actually don't know why it was so important (which is why I don't letter), but it turns out I got a letter that is an old friend of hers, Richard Nelson. She was really happy to hear he wanted to work with me and I was happy too, because I really do want my pages to be the best they can be and I want the story to be told in the best possible way it can be told. I know nothing about lettering, Erik Larson has said as much to me, not in those words mind you, but he said something like "your lettering is weird", which says it all.

Thinking of Erik reminds me I want to pitch to them again. I always have some new idea that I want to pitch, just no time to finish the pitches. Superhair is one such idea I want to pitch, but I still need to ink, color and letter the pages. Plus, if this story with Ronin takes off I might want to continue it with a publisher like Image as an on going or a miniseries. It's just that time thing that I keep running into problems with.

This week was no exception, to the busyness that is my life, but I also had a lot of fun. My in laws came in on Tuesday from Italy and they love it here. I love it that they are here too, so it kind of works out. People always talk about in laws as a bad thing, but I really like mine. They love my daughters and of course they like their daughter, but I like similar things that they like. Computers for one. They bought my wife a new one and I built them one to take back to Italy. We put some Linux OS on it and it's working like a charm. I forgot how much I love building computers.

I'm now rapping up my post and coming to the meaning of this post. No meaning in sight, so I'll just end it with a saying of mine, "life is short, so remember the people that mean the most to you and spend time with them…and always leave some room open for creating art."

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