Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Favola updated...

I just updated my web comic Favola with two new pages. I was behind with the holidays, but I'm back on schedule. I haven't really gotten many crits with the comic and I know it's not perfect, so if you get a chance to read it please let me know what you think. Eventually I would love for this story to be published, so I want it to be as good as it can be.

I have finished the inks for the first page of Battling Yank, the new story I'm doing for one of the Adam Zero books. I should be finished with all the pages this week, now that I am caught up. Then it's on to the next project, which hasn't been decided yet. I have a few offers that I'm looking over and if nothing pans out there I have this cool story I want to pitch to Image Comics, so I'm busy, busy, busy....

Thanks for stopping by,


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