Sunday, January 4, 2009

Another short story finished

I just finished a short story that's going to be in one of next issues of Adam Zero. I still have to ink them, but I consider it finished from a pencillers perspective. I'm working on an idea I came up with and Mike really likes it, so we'll possibly pitch it to Image.

I'm also sending this short story to Marvel Comics as a submission for a penceller position. It has been awhile since I've sent them anything, so I thought I'd give it another shot. I might send it to some other companies too, but Marvel has been a dream of mine for so long. I think just having an opportunity to do a story on one of their books would be good enough for me. I really don't see me taking on a comic job full time.

Time for me to get ready for another week in the Bunker fixing servers and trying not to fall asleep...which I only did for a few seconds once.

The above image is obviously the Spirit and I'll be inking it and possibly coloring it for the Ten Ton sketch challenge.



Anonymous said...

Go for it! Your pencils are bomb. Marvel would be crazy not to use you.

Josh said...

Thank you so much! I have sent my work to them and I'll post the result here. In a lot of cases they won't respond if they don't need my services right away or if my work isn't up to par, so if they do respond I'll post it.